Professional Amateur (€20,- + postage)
by sending us an email; info@dependonme.org
& keep an eye on this website for all our future endeavours!
‘Depend on Me’ is a research program, initiated by artist Marieke Zwart, that facilitates artistic collaborations between professional and non-professional artists, funded by AFK. Over the course of 7 months, 10 artists from professional, semi-professional and amateur art-practices will create a new work and research how to collaborate horizontally and interdependently as artists from different contexts and generations. Next to the creation of new art works, our research consists of a trajectory with workshops, talks, feedback sessions and presentations, both public and among the research members. For every workshop we make new relations in the city with other artists groups, professional art institutes and amateur art associations.
Participants of the project were: Marieke Zwart, Frederike Bruijn, Aram Lee, Jörn Nettingsmeier, PJ Bruyniks , Tijmen Schlundt Bodien, Noortje van Kamer, HF van Steensel, Carmen Schabracq, Jacquelien Gosschalk, Lotte Lara Schröder, Nulu Nakalema